FDA Approved for Emergency Use Authorization: Fixed Resistance Connector Valve:


In collaboration with the Mount Sinai Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, the Sinai BioDesign Center, the Simulation HELPS Center, and Prudent American Technologies: the Fixed Resistance Connector Valve was created.

Mission: Develop a scalable breathing

circuit for BiPAP machines with parts that are ubiquitous.

Front to Back: Brian Mayrsohn M.D., M.S., Nigel Maitland M.D., Shan Zhao M.D., Ph.D., Paul Philipsberg, Feroz Osmani M.D.

Front to Back: Brian Mayrsohn M.D., M.S., Nigel Maitland M.D., Shan Zhao M.D., Ph.D., Paul Philipsberg, Feroz Osmani M.D.

Left to right: Drew Copeland, RPSGT; Thomas Tolbert, MD; Brian Mayrsohn, MD; and Hooman Poor, MD.

Left to right: Drew Copeland, RPSGT; Thomas Tolbert, MD; Brian Mayrsohn, MD; and Hooman Poor, MD.

FDA Emergency Use Authorization: Approved

The Original Prototype:


Our Biocompatible 3D Printed Connector Valve Fresh out of the oven!

After waiting 14 hours, time to dry it off!

Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 10.54.51 PM.png

3.2mm Hole


Double sided for viral filter connections